Monday, July 15, 2013

Keeping fit at 76

A week after the successful heart by-pass operation, I made my own fitness program. I did not join the rehabilitation program in the hospital. So, I was able to be discharged from the hospital within a week.
My system of exercises is done without the use of equipment and without going to the gym. It is done at home, inside and outside the house.
So far, my program has kept me fit and able up to the present at age 76 and I will keep it up for many more years.
I want to share my easy system with others, younger or older than I.
(to be continued ...)

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my blog page 1 draft
My  name is Carlo de Castro. I have a story to tell.

"You have 5 years to live", the doctor told me.

That was in 1998, 14 years ago.

The doctor gave me that verdict after I underwent health tests at Cardinal Santos Hospital close to Xavier School where I was teaching.

The doctor told me that I could add 20 more years to my life if I would undergo a hearth by-pass surgery.

When he added that it would cost around P 500,000, my heart sank. I did not have that much money. My meager savings amounted to less than a hundred thousand pesos.

I just hoped my condition would improve by taking medicine.

Two years later, I suffered a very severe chest pain and I asked to be taken to a hospital. I had been having minor chest pains whenever I walked a few meters fast and whenever I got scared or nervous.

After an angiogram operation showed severe blockage in three cardiac arteries and a minor one in a fourth artery, the doctor said he would arrange for a schedule for the heart by-pass surgery at the Philippine Heart Center within a week. I asked for more time to raise money for the expenses.

With one month left in the school year, I decided to file for retirement at Xavier School so I could use the retirement benefits to pay for the operation.

I received only P 414,000 from the school and so we had to borrow from friends and relatives. I did not have contact with the Xavier and Ateneo alumni or parents to ask for help.

The Philippine Heart Center, a government institution which is supposed to be helping the poor, did not allow me to have a medicare discount! This, despite my 62 year-old age,.was denied me, a poor school teacher.

(To be continued ....)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

My Second Blog Post

It's so easy to create a blog in for anything you would like to write about, even a simple "Hi!".